Category Archives: Articles

Five Stories: Five Lessons

I came across these five stories and I thought they had some lessons we need to be reminded of in how we treat people and how we want to be treated in return. I hope you enjoy the moral of … Continue reading

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The Power of Our Words

Did you know that our words are one of the most powerful forces we possess. Words have the ability to build people up, give them pleasure, or destroy them. Sometimes we say words not realizing the impact they may have … Continue reading

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OK So What Compels You to be the Best?

By having a positive set of beliefs that you allow to become your foundation, you may start to enjoy the positive impact that your behaviour will have on others. These beliefs will also have a deep affect on your state … Continue reading

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Seize Responsibility for Yourself, Your Beliefs and Attitudes

A number of years ago when my husband Kurt and I were in Thailand on an elephant safari we had the exceptional privilege of meeting a baby elephant who was only 10 days old. She was happily running lose beside … Continue reading

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Everything You Need to Know About How Your Brain Creates Negative Emotions and How to Avoid Them

It is now acceptable in many circles to have a success coach or personal trainer who will assist you in breaking through whatever the issues are, regardless of the context (therapy, business, personal growth or education). There has been scientific … Continue reading

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Whatever You Consistently Focus Your Attention On, It Grows!

If we are what we eat, as the old saying goes, we may also be what we think. Or how we think, as well as how much we think. Recently in my studies I have come across the statements, “What you … Continue reading

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Rapport: Making a First Impression and Keeping It

To me rapport is about connection. It is an energetic level. OK, what is energy! I know that most people have the experience of thinking about someone and picking up the phone to dial only to have them already on … Continue reading

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Coaching: Bringing Out the Best in Others

Today organizations are working with smaller budgets and fewer people. At the same time, customer expectations are increasing. In this environment, making the best use of all employees’ skills, knowledge, and abilities is more critical than ever before. To meet … Continue reading

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De Junk Your Personal and Professional Life

Do you at times feel as if you are drowning in a sea of stuff? Are you frequently stressed out because you cannot seem to get organized, no matter how hard you try? Frustrated because you find yourself always running … Continue reading

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Coping with Stress

Stress is part of life. Antibiotics can’t touch it. The microscope can’t spot it. It is rapidly spreading and almost everybody’s feeling the effect. A death in the family, the birth of a baby, moving, taking a vacation, getting a … Continue reading

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