Positive Thinking to Achieve Your Goals

Creating a written affirmation for your goals is important. An example is setting the amount of money you want to make in your life. It is important that you set a specific amount in a time line. I would suggest you make this statement as to the value that you are willing to create in the world in return for the money you will receive. Money is simply payment rendered for other people. Money is simply energy, which needs to flow. Money is the form of currency rendered to you by the universe for the amount of value and goodness that you offer to others. The more value you create for others, the more money will be available to you. Experience has shown that to be fully effective self-suggestions or affirmations should be; brief and positive. If they are too long, they will not be effective and they need to be positive, which is essential. The saying “say as you mean it” is vital.

Another way to imprint powerful change within yourself is to repeat single words frequently. Words that work for me are enthusiastic, knowledge, curious, positive, imaginative, confident, persistent, energetic, dependable, and astute. I have done this before by using strong and powerful words repeatedly in my journal just to imprint them within my consciousness. If you pick a word that describes the characteristics, you want to strengthen in yourself, repeat the word throughout the day. Alternatively, affirm, “I am ___________”. This has been a very effective technique. Make a list of the qualities you would like to develop more fully using or adding to the above list of words. I choose the qualities I need to work on the most. Working on one at a time starting with the weakest is a plan that has worked for me.

Our thoughts do materialize. Our lives becoming the dominant reflection of our inner image and of our regular thoughts. This is why it is so important we pay attention to the quality of our thinking. Only human beings can think about their thinking. We can write about the quality, the thinking processes, and then reflect on the caliber of our thoughts. In doing so, we can then commit to make changes and creating new ways of thinking. If you focus on what is not working in your life, you are literally blocking all things you want entering your life. If you are focusing on all the negatives in your life, you are literally living in the past.

By doing so, you are failing to remain open to the present. When you are worrying about what is not working in your life, brooding over your past mistakes you really are not living in the present. The present is where the possibilities live. Therefore, if you are not open to the present you are missing the opportunities to live your best life. However, we need to learn from our mistakes. Spend a little bit of time in the past time trying to figure out what needs to be improved but then moving on.

We need to remember that we cannot move that car forward with one eye stuck in the rear view mirror. Every moment is a new opportunity to recreate your life and to achieve your highest possibilities.

I believe that what we focus on in our lives grows and what we think about all day long expands. The more you pay attention to what is not working the more your life somehow does not work and on the other hand the more you pay attention to the gifts and blessings that are within your days the more those kinds of things seem to appear with greater frequency. That is really, what appreciation is all about. If you look at a painting, for example, you can appreciate it, which means that it goes up in value for us and the more we can appreciate all the good things that are in our lives; like other people, where we are, our victories, our struggles and what those have made of us, the more they will grow in value in our life as a whole. It is so easy to let the insufficiencies going on and struggles we face in our lives to allow those to dominate our days and interfere with our positive state of mind.

If you are going through a tough time, I am not suggesting you just need to think positively. “Think positively and everything will go away”, because that is more denial and denial is not just a river in Egypt (humour). Denial is something that is very unhealthy and those wounds that we often stuff deep down within ourselves and swallow in the form of denial by not really acknowledging what is true, is a very harmful thing to do and it only leads to greater dissatisfaction. I think that anyone who suggests all we need to do is wish that things were better and go into a positive way of thinking is really giving coaching that is ineffective.

If you are going through a tough time whether it is an illness, dealing with an accident, moving through a divorce or dealing with financial issues it is healthy to feel the feelings that surround those experiences because that is reality. There is nothing more detrimental than bottling up all those emotions that want to come out; that want to surface and putting on a happy face to the world instead.

Life is a balance. It is a balance between moving through feelings in a very realistic way if you are facing a struggle and at the same time remembering that you cannot move that car forward with one eye stuck in the rear view mirror. It is a balance process in the sense that once you have completed the feelings and have moved through them, a time will come where you must exercise personal responsibility and obviously move ahead with your life.

There is a difference between feeling through your feelings, which is very genuine, and wallowing in your feelings, which is staying stuck in the past. Making it a daily practice to stay focused on what you want in life and what is working in your life is important.

Every moment that you focus on what you do not want in your life you need to remember you are actually blocking what you do want from being present.

Wise men and philosophers throughout the ages have disagreed about many things, but they are unanimously in agreement on one point: “We become what we think about”.

Emerson said, “A man is what he thinks about all day long”. The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius put it this way, “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it”. William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind”. In the Bible, we find, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

In his book, Success! The Glenn Bland Method, Charlie Jones writes,

“Since ‘we become what we think about,’ then it is most important that we carefully regard our thought patterns. This is one of the most powerful natural laws in the universe. You will find this law to be a two edged sword, a natural law that can lead a man to a life of inner peace, wealth, enlightenment and physical well-being and a law that can lead him into the gutter, into a life of misery. How the law works for you depends on how you use it, for good or for evil, the choice is yours. Never forget that you live in a world of cause and effect, for every action there is a reaction.”

There is a need to have a blueprint present of our lives, which is an incredibly important strategy; a plan of action for the extraordinary life you are committed to creating. Having a plan allows us to direct our energies, stay focused and channel the best within ourselves to make wiser choices and speed us along to our goals much more quickly.

A very important aspect of reaching your potential and creating the success in your life is not to allow your failures to defeat you. Many successful people have had failures, sometime many. Most people never reach success because they give up after one or two setbacks. Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich recounts a story of a miner who gave up after months of prospecting, three feet from the gold. Nevertheless, he applied this lesson to everything in his life thereafter and eventually became very successful.

In conclusion, a quote from Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”


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